Thursday, January 19, 2017

Great Python tech interview questions and explanations

The C3 class resolution algorithm for multiple class inheritance

If we are dealing with multiple inheritance, according to the newer C3 class resolution algorithm, the following applies:
Assuming that child class C inherits from two parent classes A and B, “class A should be checked before class B”.
If you want to learn more, please read the original blog post by Guido van Rossum.
class A(object):
    def foo(self):
        print("class A")

class B(object):
    def foo(self):
        print("class B")

class C(A, B):

class A
So what actually happened above was that class C looked in the scope of the parent class A for the method .foo() first (and found it)!
I received an email containing a suggestion which uses a more nested example to illustrate Guido van Rossum’s point a little bit better:
class A(object):
   def foo(self):
      print("class A")

class B(A):

class C(A):
   def foo(self):
      print("class C")

class D(B,C):

class C
Here, class D searches in B first, which in turn inherits from A (note that class C also inherits from A, but has its own .foo() method) so that we come up with the search order: D, B, C, A.

Assignment operators and lists - simple-add vs. add-AND operators

Python lists are mutable objects as we all know. So, if we are using the += operator on lists, we extend the list by directly modifying the object directly.
However, if we use the assignment via my_list = my_list + ..., we create a new list object, which can be demonstrated by the following code:
a_list = []
print('ID:', id(a_list))

a_list += [1]
print('ID (+=):', id(a_list))

a_list = a_list + [2]
print('ID (list = list + ...):', id(a_list))
ID: 4366496544
ID (+=): 4366496544
ID (list = list + ...): 4366495472
Just for reference, the .append() and .extends() methods are modifying the list object in place, just as expected.
a_list = []
print(a_list, '\nID (initial):',id(a_list), '\n')

print(a_list, '\nID (append):',id(a_list), '\n')

print(a_list, '\nID (extend):',id(a_list))
ID (initial): 140704077653128

ID (append): 140704077653128

[1, 2]
ID (extend): 140704077653128

Python reuses objects for small integers - use “==” for equality, “is” for identity

This oddity occurs, because Python keeps an array of small integer objects (i.e., integers between -5 and 256, see the doc).
a = 1
b = 1
print('a is b', bool(a is b))

c = 999
d = 999
print('c is d', bool(c is d))
a is b True
c is d False
(I received a comment that this is in fact a CPython artefact and must not necessarily be true in all implementations of Python!)
So the take home message is: always use “==” for equality, “is” for identity!
Here is a nice article explaining it by comparing “boxes” (C language) with “name tags” (Python).
This example demonstrates that this applies indeed for integers in the range in -5 to 256:
print('256 is 257-1', 256 is 257-1)
print('257 is 258-1', 257 is 258 - 1)
print('-5 is -6+1', -5 is -6+1)
print('-7 is -6-1', -7 is -6-1)
256 is 257-1 True
257 is 258-1 False
-5 is -6+1 True
-7 is -6-1 False

And to illustrate the test for equality (==) vs. identity (is):

a = 'hello world!'
b = 'hello world!'
print('a is b,', a is b)
print('a == b,', a == b)
a is b, False
a == b, True
We would think that identity would always imply equality, but this is not always true, as we can see in the next example:
a = float('nan')
print('a is a,', a is a)
print('a == a,', a == a)
a is a, True
a == a, False

Shallow vs. deep copies if list contains other structures and objects

Shallow copy:
If we use the assignment operator to assign one list to another list, we just create a new name reference to the original list. If we want to create a new list object, we have to make a copy of the original list. This can be done via a_list[:] or a_list.copy().
list1 = [1,2]
list2 = list1        # reference
list3 = list1[:]     # shallow copy
list4 = list1.copy() # shallow copy

print('IDs:\nlist1: {}\nlist2: {}\nlist3: {}\nlist4: {}\n'
      .format(id(list1), id(list2), id(list3), id(list4)))

list2[0] = 3
print('list1:', list1)

list3[0] = 4
list4[1] = 4
print('list1:', list1)
list1: 4346366472
list2: 4346366472
list3: 4346366408
list4: 4346366536

list1: [3, 2]
list1: [3, 2]
Deep copy
As we have seen above, a shallow copy works fine if we want to create a new list with contents of the original list which we want to modify independently.
However, if we are dealing with compound objects (e.g., lists that contain other lists, read here for more information) it becomes a little trickier.
In the case of compound objects, a shallow copy would create a new compound object, but it would just insert the references to the contained objects into the new compound object. In contrast, a deep copy would go “deeper” and create also new objects
for the objects found in the original compound object. If you follow the code, the concept should become more clear:
from copy import deepcopy

list1 = [[1],[2]]
list2 = list1.copy()    # shallow copy
list3 = deepcopy(list1) # deep copy

print('IDs:\nlist1: {}\nlist2: {}\nlist3: {}\n'
      .format(id(list1), id(list2), id(list3)))

list2[0][0] = 3
print('list1:', list1)

list3[0][0] = 5
print('list1:', list1)
list1: 4377956296
list2: 4377961752
list3: 4377954928

list1: [[3], [2]]
list1: [[3], [2]]

Don’t use mutable objects as default arguments for functions!

Don’t use mutable objects (e.g., dictionaries, lists, sets, etc.) as default arguments for functions! You might expect that a new list is created every time when we call the function without providing an argument for the default parameter, but this is not the case: Python will create the mutable object (default parameter) the first time the function is defined - not when it is called, see the following code:
def append_to_list(value, def_list=[]):
    return def_list

my_list = append_to_list(1)

my_other_list = append_to_list(2)
[1, 2]
Another good example showing that demonstrates that default arguments are created when the function is created (and not when it is called!):
import time
def report_arg(my_default=time.time()):




Python’s LEGB scope resolution and the keywords global and nonlocal

There is nothing particularly surprising about Python’s LEGB scope resolution (Local -> Enclosed -> Global -> Built-in), but it is still useful to take a look at some examples!

global vs. local

According to the LEGB rule, Python will first look for a variable in the local scope. So if we set the variable x = 1 locally in the function’s scope, it won’t have an effect on the global x.
x = 0
def in_func():
    x = 1
    print('in_func:', x)

print('global:', x)
in_func: 1
global: 0
If we want to modify the global x via a function, we can simply use the global keyword to import the variable into the function’s scope:
x = 0
def in_func():
    global x
    x = 1
    print('in_func:', x)

print('global:', x)
in_func: 1
global: 1

local vs. enclosed

Now, let us take a look at local vs. enclosed. Here, we set the variable x = 1 in the outer function and set x = 1 in the enclosed function inner. Since inner looks in the local scope first, it won’t modify outer’s x.
def outer():
       x = 1
       print('outer before:', x)
       def inner():
           x = 2
           print("inner:", x)
       print("outer after:", x)
outer before: 1
inner: 2
outer after: 1
Here is where the nonlocal keyword comes in handy - it allows us to modify the x variable in the enclosed scope:
def outer():
       x = 1
       print('outer before:', x)
       def inner():
           nonlocal x
           x = 2
           print("inner:", x)
       print("outer after:", x)
outer before: 1
inner: 2
outer after: 2

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