Thursday, December 18, 2014

Joys of Java 8... as was discovered during maven build that was trying to process wsdl file


I was just trying to Clean&Build my work on a different machine and suddenly I had build failure! WTH!?!?

The error stated

Failed to read schema document 'xyz.xsd' because 'file' access is not allowed due to restriction set by the accessExternalSchema property

Never seen this one before and I was trying to figure out if I could not read checked out from git files for some reason. After few tweaks here and there, same issue. So I tried to google this error and I hit many Java 8 issues precessing wsdl, etc posts. Indeed my old machine was running Java 7, while new one was running 8!

On my Mac the solution was pretty easy

Go to 

cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_11.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/

And create file

And add this line to it
javax.xml.accessExternalSchema = all

Wow... oh well :)