Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Apache Kafka. Set up. Writing to. Reading from. Monitoring. Part 2

In Part 1, we create single machine that was running Kafka. Now let's do some horizontal scaling!

Step 1. Create new directory and initialize it with the box that we created in Part 1.
mkdir debianKafkaClusterNode2
cd debianKafkaClusterNode2
vagrant init debianKafkaClusterNode2 <path_to_the_box>/debian-kafka-cluster.box

Step 2. Edit generated Vagrant file (See Part 1 for details)
- Make sure that the memory is set to at least 2048
- Change the IP to be

Step 3. Start this box up and log in
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Step 4. Configure Kafka.
Open $KAFKA_HOME/config/server.properties and set following values

Now, repeat Steps 1-4 for number of boxes that you want to set up for your Kafka cluster. Don't forget to keep track of broker.id and IP (Step 2 and 4) - make sure they are unique!

After you successfully created n number of boxes, bring up your first Kafka cluster box that your created in Part 1. We shall refer to it as Node1
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Start Zookeeper and Kafka on Node1
sudo $ZK_HOME/bin/zkServer.sh start
sudo $KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-server-start.sh $KAFKA_HOME/config/server.properties &

Start Kafka on rest of the nodes.
sudo $KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-server-start.sh $KAFKA_HOME/config/server.properties &

Congrats! You have Kafka cluster! Test it out by going to Node1 and adding few messages to the topic. Use Ctrl+C to exit.
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list, --topic test-topic


Test that you can retrieve the messages from some other node in the cluster
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper --topic test-topic --from-beginning

As you may have noticed, we use only one Zookeeper! To add more while still following majority rule, edit $KAFKA_HOME/config/server.properties by setting zookeeper.connect to the list of appropriate machines. This has to be done on each server. Don't forget to change $ZK_HOME/conf/zoo.cfg as well as myid. See Part 1 for more details. For example for 3 machine set up:
zoo.cfg file

echo "2" > /var/zookeeper/data/myid
echo "3" > /var/zookeeper/data/myid

Just to make sure that we have everything at this point, let's shut everything down and start it back up:
On each VM.
vagrant halt

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

(Start Zookeeper and Kafka)
sudo $ZK_HOME/bin/zkServer.sh start
sudo $KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-server-start.sh $KAFKA_HOME/config/server.properties &

Use commands to add topics and messages and read them. Have fun!

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