Friday, September 5, 2014

How to kill MR job

Recently, I needed to kill a job that I executed by mistake. What did I do?

If you are comfortable around Linux, steps are pretty much the same as killing any job. Find the job's pid and kill it... Let's see how you would do it in Hadoop environment:

First of all, I listed current running jobs in Hadoop by executing following command in the shell:

$ bin/hadoop job –list

The output would look something like this:

1 jobs currently running
JobId                  State          StartTime       UserName
job_201203293423_0001   1             1334506474312   krinkera

JobId is what we want.

Now use following command to kill it. Remember to substitute jobId with what you found in previous step.

$ bin/hadoop job -kill <jobId>

You should see confirmation that your job was indeed killed
Killed job job_201204011859_0002

Please note that it might take some time for UI to refresh with the new job status.

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