While putting my db admin hat on to troubleshoot unresponding postgres server, I stumbled across this great reference on how to kill unresponsive db connections, which I thought to report to preserve it for my own future use and to give the author credit well deserved.
Original article can be found at: https://blog.sleeplessbeastie.eu/2014/07/23/how-to-terminate-postgresql-sessions/
Recently, I have encountered an interesting issue, as I could not perform specific database operations due to unwanted and active sessions using the database. Thus, I will briefly note the solution for further reference.
This blog post is based on a Debian Wheezy and PostgreSQL 9.1 version.
postgres=# select * from version();
PostgreSQL 9.1.13 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2, 64-bit
I have deliberately written down this information here, as there are some minor differences between PostgreSQL versions, so please be aware of potential differences.
The problem and the solution
Sometimes you need to terminate connections initiated by badly behaving client application, or just make sure nobody is querying database during a major update.
The solution is to use pg_stat_activity view to identify and filter active database sessions and then use pg_terminate_backend function to terminate them.
To prevent access during an update process or any other important activity you can simply revokeconnect permission for selected database users or alter pg_database system table.
Who is permitted terminate connections
Every database role with superuser rights is permitted to terminate database connections.
How to display database sessions
pg_stat_activity system view provides detailed information about server processes.
SELECT datname as database,
procpid as pid,
usename as username,
application_name as application,
client_addr as client_address,
FROM pg_stat_activity
Sample output that will be used in the following examples.
database | pid | username | application | client_address | current_query
blog | 8603 | blog | blog_app | | select * from posts order by pub_date
postgres | 8979 | postgres | psql | | select datname as database,procpid as pid,usename as username,application_name as application, client_addr as client_address, current_query from pg_stat_activity
wiki | 8706 | wiki | wiki_app | |
(3 rows)
How to terminate all connections to the specified database
Use the following query to terminate all connections to the specified database.
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid)
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE datname = 'wiki'
How to terminate all connections tied to specific user
Use the following query to terminate connections initiated by a specific user.
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid)
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE usename = 'blog'
How to terminate all connections but not my own
To terminate every other database connection you can use process ID attached to the current session.
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid)
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE procpid <> pg_backend_pid()
Alternatively, you can simply use username to filter out permitted connections.
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid)
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE username <> current_username
Every example mentioned above can be extended to include more conditions like database name, client name, query, or even client address.
How to cancel running query
It is not always desired to abruptly terminate existing database connection, as you can just cancel running query using function shown in the following query.
SELECT pg_cancel_backend(procpid)
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE usename = 'postgres'
How to prevent users from connecting to the database
Database connect privilege
To prevent connections from specific database user revoke the connect privilege for selected database.
FROM wiki
To reverse this process use the GRANT statement.
TO wiki
Use the public keyword to specify every database user.
FROM public
Database user login privilege
I did not mentioned it earlier but you can also use database user login privilege to disallow new connections.
To reverse this modification use the following query.
pg_database system table
Alternatively, you can alter pg_database system table to disallow new connections to specific database.
UPDATE pg_database
SET datallowconn = FALSE
WHERE datname = 'blog'
To reverse this process use the following query.
UPDATE pg_database
SET datallowconn = TRUE
WHERE datname = 'blog'
How to use the above-mentioned queries inside shell script
Use the postgres user to terminate connections..
su postgres -l -c "psql -c 'select pg_terminate_backend(procpid) \
from pg_stat_activity \
where datname = '\"'wiki'\"''"
Use role with superuser rights to terminate connections.
PGHOST=localhost PGUSER=admin PGPASSWORD=adminpass psql postgres -c "select pg_terminate_backend(procpid) \
from pg_stat_activity \
where datname = 'wiki'"
Suppose you’re very indecisive, so whenever you want to watch a movie, you ask your friend Willow if she thinks you’ll like it. In order to answer, Willow first needs to figure out what movies you like, so you give her a bunch of movies and tell her whether you liked each one or not (i.e., you give her a labeled training set). Then, when you ask her if she thinks you’ll like movie X or not, she plays a 20 questions-like game with IMDB, asking questions like “Is X a romantic movie?”, “Does Johnny Depp star in X?”, and so on. She asks more informative questions first (i.e., she maximizes the information gain of each question), and gives you a yes/no answer at the end.
Thus, Willow is a decision tree for your movie preferences.
But Willow is only human, so she doesn’t always generalize your preferences very well (i.e., she overfits). In order to get more accurate recommendations, you’d like to ask a bunch of your friends, and watch movie X if most of them say they think you’ll like it. That is, instead of asking only Willow, you want to ask Woody, Apple, and Cartman as well, and they vote on whether you’ll like a movie (i.e., you build an ensemble classifier, aka a forest in this case).
Now you don’t want each of your friends to do the same thing and give you the same answer, so you first give each of them slightly different data. After all, you’re not absolutely sure of your preferences yourself – you told Willow you loved Titanic, but maybe you were just happy that day because it was your birthday, so maybe some of your friends shouldn’t use the fact that you liked Titanic in making their recommendations. Or maybe you told her you loved Cinderella, but actually you really really loved it, so some of your friends should give Cinderella more weight. So instead of giving your friends the same data you gave Willow, you give them slightly perturbed versions. You don’t change your love/hate decisions, you just say you love/hate some movies a little more or less (formally, you give each of your friends a bootstrapped version of your original training data). For example, whereas you told Willow that you liked Black Swan and Harry Potter and disliked Avatar, you tell Woody that you liked Black Swan so much you watched it twice, you disliked Avatar, and don’t mention Harry Potter at all.
By using this ensemble, you hope that while each of your friends gives somewhat idiosyncratic recommendations (Willow thinks you like vampire movies more than you do, Woody thinks you like Pixar movies, and Cartman thinks you just hate everything), the errors get canceled out in the majority. Thus, your friends now form a bagged (bootstrap aggregated) forest of your movie preferences.
There’s still one problem with your data, however. While you loved both Titanic and Inception, it wasn’t because you like movies that star Leonardio DiCaprio. Maybe you liked both movies for other reasons. Thus, you don’t want your friends to all base their recommendations on whether Leo is in a movie or not. So when each friend asks IMDB a question, only a random subset of the possible questions is allowed (i.e., when you’re building a decision tree, at each node you use some randomness in selecting the attribute to split on, say by randomly selecting an attribute or by selecting an attribute from a random subset). This means your friends aren’t allowed to ask whether Leonardo DiCaprio is in the movie whenever they want. So whereas previously you injected randomness at the data level, by perturbing your movie preferences slightly, now you’re injecting randomness at the model level, by making your friends ask different questions at different times.
Personally, I really like to tab the commands sometimes since i am lazy and i don't feel like typing the whole thing out and sometimes out of curiosity of what other commands are available to me.
There are the steps on how to enable tab completion in git
Git does not let you to check in an empty folder, even if you are using it as a temp output location. How to work around it?
put this .gitignore into the folder, then git add .gitignore
The * line tells git to ignore all files in the folder, but !.gitignore tells git to still include the .gitignore file. This way, your local repository and any other clones of the repository all get both the empty folder and the .gitignore it needs.
May be obvious but also add */ to the git ignore to also ignore sub folders.
I am sure you have seem something like that in one of the tests
def test_me(self):
with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):
1 / 0
What does it do? It is simply means that test_me would pass if the logic inside of it would throw ZeroDivisionError exception.
But what all that 'with' stuff?
If you ever tried to open up a file to read data, etc you certainly remember doing all error checking, catching errors, closing files, etc... nightmare, hence context manager was introduced that would allow you to open the file by using 'with' and majority of checks and file closing was done for you.
Same in this case, you are using 'with' in this case to use assertRaises as a context manager that ensures that the error in this case is properly caught and cleaned up while it is being recorded. (Same idea as dealing with files...)
So without context manager, your code would have looked like following the old format
Let's say that you executed following lines and got whole bunch of random files that are ready to be checked in when you type git status
git init git add . git status
How do you remove them and keep them out of your git repo?
Create .gitignore file and add regex expressions into it to match files that you want to exclude
touch .gitignore vim .gitignore < .gitignore etc >
What to do with the files that are already ready to be checked in? Remove them via following commad
git rm --cached FILENAME
Now check what you have going to be committed. Should be all clean by now
git status
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Sunday, August 7, 2016
GREAT explanation on how to use Rails Devise: https://launchschool.com/blog/how-to-use-devise-in-rails-for-authentication... Copied as a back up
How to Use Devise in Rails for Authentication
Devise is a popular authentication
solution for Rails applications. It provides a full gamut of features,
and can be configured to meet all, but the most unusual, requirements.
In this tutorial, we are going to look at how Devise is implemented on a
high level, go through configueration and common use patterns of the
gem, how to set up authentication with Devise, and finally demostrate
how to write tests with Devise.
Devise and Warden
The Devise gem is built on top of Warden.
Warden is a Rack application, which means that it runs as a separate
and standalone module, and is (nearly always) executed before the chief
Rails application is invoked.
Warden provides the cookie handling that verifies the identity of a logged in user via a (secure) session string, in which the id
(primary key) of a particular user is somehow stored and disguised.
Warden also provides a hook so your app can deal with users who aren’t
currently logged in. These users will either have restricted access, or
none at all, except, of course, to sign-in/sign-up pages.
Warden knows nothing about the existence of your Rails app. As a
result, Warden does not provide helper methods, controller classes,
views, configuration options and log in failure handling. These things
are what Devise supplies.
Devise often interacts with Warden using Strategies. (a strategy is a
design pattern in which an algorithm is encapsulated within a dedicated
class, which implements a method with a commonly shared name. You
change the class to vary the algorithm). The Strategies that Devise
employs are for encrypting passwords, email confirmations, and for HTTP
Authentication. If you need to extend or augment Devise, you can
implement a customized Strategy class. But this is an advanced subject,
for which there is usually little call.
Understanding How Devise Works
Devise’s README
contains all the information you need to get started, and it also
touches on its more advanced features. It recommends that you understand
the basic authentication techniques (i.e. registrations and logins)
before you proceed to integrate it in your app.
A Kick-Start Devise Installation
To have Devise completely installed in an existing Rails app, (where a user’s model class is named, User), the following six shell commands are required:
echo"gem 'devise'" >> Gemfile # Or edit Gemfile and add line: gem 'devise'bundle install # Fetch and install the gemsrails generate devise:install # Creates config file, etc.rails generate devise user # Create model class, routes, etc.rake db:migrate # Create user tablerails generate devise:views users # Creates (minimal) views
This assumes that the user model is called User.
Devise makes no assumption about the class name of the user model.
Though it’s usually, ‘User’, or less commonly, ‘Admin’. These two class
names can sit side-by-side in any app, as can any other names of user
classes you may care to conjure up.
The rails generate devise:views users command creates the directory /app/views/users
with all the devise views, such as login form, registration form, etc.
If you want customize these files and have Devise use them you must set config.scoped_views to true in the configuration file, located at /app/config/initializers/devise.rb.
Devise Configuration
Once you have installed Devise, as per the above commands, the next step is configuration. This is specified in two main files:
Firstly in a global config file, config/initializers/devise.rb.
If you change the settings in this, they won’t become effective until
you restart the Rails server. And the settings apply to the whole site.
Secondly, in a model class representing a (registered) user,
which can be tailored to suit a particular role, for example if your app
has an end-user, as well as having a site administrator (more on this
Devise Utility Methods
Devise contains dozens of classes, including, models, controllers,
mailers, helpers, hooks, routes, and views, but since Devise exposes
it’s functionality in a small number of simple helper methods, It’s
unlikely that you will even need to know of the existence of all of
them. The most important helper methods Devise gives you to use in your
own app are:
The authenticate_user! class method (controller only),
ensures a logged in user is available to all, or a specified set of
controller actions. This method is invoked via a before_filter, for example:
# This class is intended to be a superclass from which# the other (end-user related) controller classes inheritclassEndUserBaseController<ApplicationControllerbefore_filter:authenticate_user!end
If the user isn’t logged in Devise backs off, and, by default,
redirects to its own sign-in page. If a user is actually logged in, then
Devise, by default, redirects to the root route. The root route is the
default route for an app. It’s defined in config/routes.rb with
something like the following:
The authenticate_user! method’s use is for applications
that require a logged in user to access (a set of) their pages. In this
case, it is very common to use the current_user method (see
just below) as the first receiver in a method chain that accesses a
database, for cases where a record’s owner is to be stored. For example:
The before_filter :authenticate_user! line ensures that current_user is never nil, thus avoiding the fatal error: method called on nil object.
The current_user method , whose purpose is self-explanatory, simply returns the model class relating to the signed in user. It returns nil if a user has not, as yet, signed in.
The user_signed_in? query method, which really just checks if the current_user method returns a value that’s not nil.
sign_in(@user) and sign_out(@user)
The sign_in(@user) and the sign_out(@user) methods. These are useful to login (or logout) a (newly created) user.
The user_session method, which returns meta data on a logged in user.
An application programmer will normally only need to use the current_user and user_signed_in?
methods regularly. These, of course, are present as helper methods. So
you can, for example, have a message in the header of your app stating
the name of the signed in user.
Note that if you refer to an admin (who has a dedicated Admin class), the access method becomes current_admin, not current_user.
The prefix, or sometime suffix, is the corresponding underscored
class name of a user class. For example, a user class name of ‘EndUser’,
when underscored, becomes ‘end_user’, so the logged in user would in
this situation be current_end_user.
Devise also defines a whole host of routes, which are defined in config/routes.rb with a line like:
This line is automatically inserted by the Devise generator, and the
default values it applies are fine for most needs. If not, it takes a
complex options hash, that can be customized – mainly to prevent name
collisions, or to have different route names, should you really want
Devise Modules
When you invoke the Devise generator, a model class (in `app/models*)
is created for you to modify for your specific requirements.
This user model class is where many of the most important
configuration options are specified. Perhaps the most important of these
are the Devise modules to use. These modules provide enhanced security
functionality. There are ten modules in all.
The modules are included thusly:
Note that when Devise generates a class similar to this for you, it
also generates a database migration, which includes the fields on which
the functionality of these modules depend. This migration file is well
commented and it specifies which fields relate to which modules. It
should be modified if you want to trim down the number of fields
attached to the model. If some modules are not required, the fields
related to them can be removed.
A number of these modules have associated HTML forms and links. In
the forms, an end-user typically fills in their email address, and in
exchange they are sent back an email which contains confirmation links
back to Devise controllers in your app, and include an authentication to
token for security. These forms are mostly to (re-)enable a particular
Although the Devise README lists these options, we’ll explain them a little here as well.
database_authenticatable – ensures that a user enters a correct password, and it encrypts the said password, before saving it.
confirmable – ensures newly registered users confirm their accounts
by clicking a link on a (Devise sent) mail they receive. This is a
defence against bots creating fake, but valid, users.
recoverable – for handling forgotten passwords safely.
registerable – allows users to register themselves, and subsequently change their login credentials.
rememberable – for transparently logging on a user, based on a cookie. This is the functionality associated with the Remember me?
checkbox you often see on login forms. Since the Devise config file
specifies a timeout period, this is often of limited use. And is a
security risk if the user steps away from their browser, with others
trackable – stores login information i.e. the user’s IP address,
login time, last login time, and the total number of logins. These
values are generally for site admins to look at, when trying to trace
unusual activity.
validatable – ensures that the given email/name and passwords conform to a particular format.
lockable – limits the number of login attempts allowed before
further access to a particular account is prohibited. Access
restrictions are lifted after a time span, or if a (legitimate) user
requests that an email be sent that contains a link to unblock his/her
These modules are lazily loaded, so if you omit some, the corresponding code is ignored.
Devise’s Global Configuration File
Devise has a very well commented configuration file, config/initializers/devise.rb. This is where its site-wide settings are specified.
These are things like the minimum password length, the password
encryption algorithm, a flag to have a case sensitive username lookup, a
timeout period, the ‘pepper’ string, and lots more as well. There is no
substitute to actually taking a look at this file. If the options seem
a bit bewildering at first, their exact purposes will become clearer on
Protecting the Mass-Assignment of User Attributes
Naturally, all of the fields associated with a Devise user contain
sensitive data, whose alteration could seriously compromise security.
For this reason, it is probably a good idea never to allow your app to
have pages (which are accessible to untrusted users) that update (or
create) a user model. Only allow these attributes to be updated by
Devise, where you know it’ll be done securely.
If an app’s requirements ordain that auxiliary user information be
kept, such as an address or a phone number, these details are best kept
on an entirely separate table which has a foreign key back to the
(Devise generated) user table. This auxiliary table would have a
one-to-one relationship with the Devise user table.
If you really must add fields to the (Devise generated) user model
you must absolutely make sure that Devise’s fields cannot be changed.
The means by which you achieve this is different for Rails 4 apps than
it is for Rails 3 apps. In the former case, it’s with strong_parameters in the controller. In the latter case, it’s with the attr_accessible or attr_protected class methods in the model.
The Devise README explains this in adequate detail.
Adding Further Authentication
Having said all that in the preceding section, there is, arguably, an
exception to this “no added user model fields” principle. This is
where a user model has a flag like admin?, which is used to distinguish an app’s administator (super-user) from a regular end-user.
This is not a Devise added field, but one an app developer would add
in a database migration. This field should not set up in a module or
page of an actual app. Instead it should be set manually in a direct
database command.
For example:
This pattern is common, and is useful in apps where site administrators need to perform tasks in common with regular users.
In some other kinds of apps, the site administrators may need perform
a completely different set of tasks to regular users. In this case it
is cleaner to have separate classes for a site administrator and for a
regular user.
Handling Different Types of Users in Devise
In this section, we’ll take a look at some ways in which some common
use-cases, relating to access restrictions, can be handled with Devise’s
controller class methods (macros). (This is an area where the
distinction between authentication and authorization becomes blurred.)
These class methods are invoked as before filters, and take effect for a number of the controller’s available actions.
In this first case, suppose we want to ensure that every controller action requires a logged in user, except for the login and register actions:
classApplicationController<ActionController::Base# Ensures all actions invoke this (except those just below)before_filer:authenticate_user!endclassAuthenticationController<ApplicationController# Turn off user authentication for all actions in this controllerskip_before_filer:authenticate_user!deflogin'...'enddefregister'...'endend
In this second case, suppose we want to grant logged in users full
CRUD access, but unregistered only to have only read access for a
selected group of controllers:
In this third case, suppose we want to partition access for logged in
regular users, and for site administrators, both of whom are
represented by separate model classes. A regular user has a User class, and an admin has an Admin class. For example:
# All administrator controllers should inherit from this controllerclassAdminController<ApplicationControllerbefore_filer:authenticate_admin!end# All end-user controllers should inherit from this controllerclassEndUserController<ApplicationControllerbefore_filer:authenticate_user!end
In this fourth case, suppose we want to have an end-user and a site
administrator who both share the same user model. But, in this scenario,
the site administrators are identified by an admin flag set to a true value on the model record. Whereas regular users have this flag switched off. For example:
classApplicationController<ActionController::Basebefore_filer:authenticate_user!end# All administrative controllers should inherit from this controllerclassAdminController<ApplicationControllerbefore_filter:ensure_admin!privatedefensure_admin!unlesscurrent_user.admin?sign_outcurrent_userredirect_toroot_pathreturnfalseendendend
An added benefit of arranging the controller classes like this is
that you can define private methods that are specific to a certain set
of controllers. In the following example, all controllers that inherit
from the CrudController will ensure that black-listed users are prohibited from further editing, but can still look at the site.
classCrudController<ApplicationControllerbefore_filer:authenticate_user!,except:[:index,:show]before_filer:block_abusers!,except:[:index,:show]privatedefblock_abusers!ifcurrent_user.blacklisted?flash[:notice]='You are banned for being naughty!'redirect_toroot_pathreturnfalseendendend
Devise Invitable Gem
If you want users to be registered through an invitation carried out
by a site administrator, or by a group leader. (As an alternative to
end-users explicitly registering themselves on provided web forms),
there is a another gem to use, devise_invitable.
The Invitable gem generates a form in which a number of email
addresses are filled in. Emails are sent out to the respective addresses
inviting the users to confirm their registrations, which are actually
performed by the site administrator.
As its name suggests, this gem must be used in conjunction with
Devise. And it automatically links the invited users with the user who
initially invited them.
It would be counter-productive to test Devise itself. It already has a
comprehensive suite of tests that you are able run yourself, should you
doubt its efficacy. However, you ought to test the parts of your app
which interface with Devise, to ensure that Devise is presented with
correct data, and to ensure that Devise remains in general working
Also, your own app’s tests are very likely to depend on your having a
logged-in user, on whose behalf, the various operations of controller,
acceptance, integration and view tests, are performed.
You can programmatically create a devise user as follows:
User.create!(email:"me@home.com",password:"watching the telly")
As an aside, creating users in this way is also useful in seed files
in which you set up site administrators, etc.. Seeding data is done as
part of a deployment step, so that you can have ready-made users as soon
as your site goes live. The Rails’ provided file where you set up seed
data is in db/seeds.rb, and you run it with the shell command:
$ rake db:seed
An RSpec example of a controller test that sets up a logged in user may go as follows:
describeBlogControllerdolet:userdoUser.create!(email:"me@home.com",password:"watching the telly")endbefore{sign_inuser}context"creating a post"dopost:create,subject:'matter',body:'and soul'expect(assigns(:blog)).tobe_instance_ofBlogexpect(:blog.try:subject).toeq'matter'expect(:blog.try:user).toequserendend
Perhaps the above test has too many expectations, but it should give
you a general idea, if you choose to support a suite of controller
Though some might argue that the testing of such functionality would
be better placed in integration tests. That, in general, controller
testing is often superfluous, and has poorer code coverage, than
integration testing does.
An RSpec example of an integration test could be as follows:
describe"user log in"doit"allows an existing user to sign in"doUser.create!(email:"me@home.com",password:"watching the telly")visit"/users/sign_in"fill_in"Email",with:"me@example.com"fill_in"Password",with:"watching the telly"click_button"Sign in"expect(page).tohave_content("Signed in successfully.")endend
The above (smoke) test ensures that your app interfaces with Devise
correctly, and in particular that, your view contains a form with the
required URL and fields. If you wrote this test, you would probably
write another one to test the registration process as well.
Wrapping up
If you have not done so already, your next step is to peruse the Devise README.
which is probably the best single document on the practical use of
Devise that’s readily available. If you want to do something out of the
ordinary with Devise there’s a comprehensive list of howtos.
These two documents will, most likely, be the only ones you need to read in order to use Devise effectively.
Also if you would like more background information, take a look at the Devise wiki.
Great article is published by Martin Fowler:http://martinfowler.com/bliki/DataLake.html
But to quickly summarize, think of data lakes as data dump of raw unprocessed data that people can go back to and get the information that they might need from the raw contents
In Data Warehouse, someone would define a schema and will do some data cleaning and processing. This way, people can just grab a set from the warehouse and expect it to be a certain way and don't worry about manual processing.
So... if you don't know what you need and you don't mind looking for it, go with the lake
if you rather have sets of data ready to use for you in predefined format and you don't care about some potential missing data, go with the warehouse.
To revert your changes back to the last working version, i.e. erase what you just did, use
git checkout .
To revert your changes to the version multiple commits in the past
Say you are developing a new feature and you realize after few commits that you went off to a way different route that you suppose to and you need to back it up few commits and start over... this definitely would be a cleaner way vs trying to remove what was done manually. How to do it though?
Check out what you want and get rid of all that code...
git reset --hard 0d3b7ac32
Then you would push it up
git push origin +master
Pretty simple once you know it.
To revert a single file to what's in current git use
git checkout HEAD -- <file_name>
To view the changes between staged and what's in current repo
Say you are developing a new feature and you realize after few commits that you went off to a way different route that you suppose to and you need to back it up few commits and start over... this definitely would be a cleaner way vs trying to remove what was done manually. How to do it though?
Check out what you want and get rid of all that code...
Now... when you start the server, by default it would bind to address which is not accessing to the outside. Instead, you need to specify eth0 address that is externally accessible, like so
rails server -b <ip of eth0 - using ifconfig to find out what it is>
Hope this helps someone since i personally got stuck trying to figure out why my iptables were not allowing port 3000 to be seen when I had bind issues all along :)
Both can install gems that are specified in Gemfile, however bundle update would also update the gems to the latest version, if no version is specified in Gemfile, or will update it to the latest patch version (i.e. ~> 1.2.3 will update to the newest version of 1.2.x, it might be 1.2.4, 1.2.5, etc)
Bundle install on the other hand, would install the latest patch version of the gem if the gem is missing from the Gemfile, but won't do anything if it is already present.
So... bundle update might surprise you if something changed between patch version or make the gem incompatible with some other gem, hence caution must be taken with bundle install command.
And as a best practice, always specify versions in the Gemfile!